Capoeira, Inclusivity, and the Virtual Format

Capoeira has a rich history of championing inclusivity and promoting social integration. It's historical roots and development through time stand out uniquely amongst other martial arts. We believe that virtual capoeira is a natural and necessary extension of capoeira's traditionally inclusive nature. The concept and practice of inclusivity has been part of capoeira since it's creation.

  • Historical Roots: Capoeira originated from Africans who were enslaved in Brazil during the colonial period. These people developed this art form as a means of self-expression and resistance against oppression. As a result, Capoeira has always been associated with marginalized communities and has served as a symbol of resilience and unity.
  • Cultural Exchange: Capoeira is an art form that encourages cultural exchange and cooperation. It blends elements of African traditions with indigenous and European influences, creating a unique and inclusive cultural expression. The music and songs played during Capoeira sessions reflect this fusion and invite participants from diverse backgrounds to engage and share their heritage.
  • Non-Discrimination: One of the fundamental principles of Capoeira is non-discrimination. The roda (circle) in which Capoeira is played serves as a space where people of all ages, genders, races, and skill levels come together without prejudice. Everyone is welcome to participate and contribute, fostering a sense of community and respect.
  • Social Cohesion: Capoeira emphasizes the importance of working together in harmony. Participants learn to support and challenge each other in a constructive manner, creating a positive and inclusive environment where individuals can grow and develop both physically and mentally.

Capoeira taught in a virtual format is a natural extension of these traditional underpinnings. As inclusion, fairness, respect for all are *central tenets* to what capoeira is at it's core, we believe that access to virtual capoeira is actually a necessary step to ensure that capoeira remains true to it's roots.

Many individuals and families today are living intentional Covid-cautious lifestyles (our family included). Much of the rest of the world has stopped paying attention to the realities of the ongoing pandemic, which has served to make safe participation in the world for families like ours even more difficult. Prior to the Covid-19 pandemic, our in-person capoeira academy and community brought our family a lot of joy. We felt true grief to lose access to something we loved so much.

Bringing this joy back into our lives, and hopefully into the lives of others living similar lifestyles to our own, is our main goal with Ignite Capoeira. We believe we all deserve access to enriching and healthy activities, and that capoeira has something for everyone. We are so excited to grow our capoeira community, and include all sorts of different people who share a common vision for connection, inclusion, and play.

Can't wait to play and train with you all!

Vespa & Coruja (Jenny & James)


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